GSA Announces New Dues Structure Beginning 1 November 2019

At its meeting on 3 October 2019, the GSA Board approved a revision and updating of the organization’s dues structure beginning on 1 November 2019. This vote followed a detailed discussion of two years. The old dues structure had been in place and unchanged for many years. The following will be the new annual dues structure:

Income below $50,000

$     40.00

Income between $50,001 and $70,000

$   110.00

Income between $70,001 and $90,000

$   130.00

Income between $90,001 and $110,000

$   155.00

Income between $110,001 and $150,000

$   170.00

Income greater than $150,000

$   185.00

Life member (one-time payment)

$ 1000.00

Institutional member

$   500.00


Please note that those members who have signed up for recurring payments in the past will need to return to paying their dues on a non-recurring basis until the new system is fully in place. Please note too that joint memberships are no longer available. Thank you for your understanding!