Standing committees
- the Archives Committee
- the Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies Selection Committee
- the Committee for Institutional Transformation and Social Justice (ITSJ)
- the Interdisciplinary Networks Committee
- the Finance/Investment Committee
- the Nominating Committee
- the Prize Committees
- DAAD Book Prizes Committee
- DAAD Article Prize Committee
- Graduate Student Essay Prize Committee
- David Barclay Book Prize Committee
- Sybil Halpern Milton Book Prize Committee
- the Program Committee
Editorial boards
- the editorial board of the German Studies Review
- the editorial board of Spektrum, the GSA book series
Ad hoc committees
- the Climate Emergency and Technology Committee (CLEAT)
- the Community Fund Committee
- the Development/Local Affairs Committee
- the Emerging Scholars Workshop Committee
- the Member Survey Committee
- the Mentoring Award and Initiatives Committee
- the Regional and Virtual Meetings Working Group
Other committees and groups
- the Arts Night Committee
- the Ombuds
- the Conduct and Anti-Harassment Committee
- the Vision and Advocacy Group (collaboration with other organizations)
ACLS delegate
- Christophe Koné, Williams College (2024–27)
GSA Representatives to the Board of Directors of the Friends of the German Historical Institute, Washington, DC
- Margaret Menninger (2026)
- Yair Mintzker (2025)