Winners of annual prizes sponsored by the GSA were announced at the annual conference in October 2011. Ann Goldberg (University of California, Riverside) received the DAAD Book Prize for her publication Honor, Politics, and the Law in Imperial Germany. The DAAD Article Prize went to Jennifer M. Kapczynski (Washington University in St. Louis) for “Postwar Ghosts: Heimatfilm and the Specter of Male Violence. Returning to the Scene of the Crime?,” which appeared in the German Studies Review, volume 33, no. 2, in May 2010. Jeffrey Herf (University of Maryland, College Park) is the recipient of the 2011 Sybil Halpern Milton Prize, awarded for the best book in Holocaust Studies published in 2009 or 2010 for Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World. The final award, the Graduate Student Paper Prize for the best paper in German Studies written in 2010-11, went to Kira Thurman (University of Rochester), for her paper on “Black Venus, White Bayreuth: Race, Sexuality, and the De-Politicization of Wagner in Post-War West Germany.” The paper will be published in a future issue of the German Studies Review.
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